Overview: We were asked to redesign three of the most heavily trafficked pages on Deloitte.com — the main landing pages in the Careers section of the website, which serve as the entry points for job seekers.
The existing user experience was confusing and repetitive. According to our survey data, users felt overwhelmed with the amount of content and tended to get lost on the site. We needed to distinguish between the main target segments (experienced hires and students) while giving the experience a consistent design so the interactions felt natural. We also needed to streamline the user journey to ensure potential candidates could quickly find the content their looking for and ultimately apply for a role.
The final site organizes all of the content into categories of information (resources, process, culture, explore your fit) and provides a persistent navigation that keeps the job search feature always accessible to the user.
Early testing has shown an increased interest and satisfaction with site. We plan to gather and analyze performance metrics after the pages have been in use for several months.
My role: I was the UX/UI design lead on this project from the user research and content strategy phase — including lo-fi wireframes to hi-fi visual design. I collaborated with team members of various disciplines to bring this project to life.